Dyslexia is Redefined in Order to Improve Services to Children
Posted On: October 30th 2015
California passed Assembly Bill No. 1369 on October 8th which requires the Superintendent to develop program guidelines for dyslexia. The guidelines are to be used to assist regular education teachers, special education teachers, and parents to identify and assess students who may have this learning disability. In addition, the guidelines are to plan, provide, evaluate, and improve educational services to pupils who are determined to have it.
For purposes of this section, “educational services” means an evidence-based, multisensory, direct, explicit, structured, and sequential approach to instruction. The program guidelines shall include, but shall not be limited to, characteristics typical of pupils with dyslexia and strategies for their remediation, as well as information to assist educators in distinguishing between characteristics of this learning difference and characteristics of normal growth and development.