When Should You Consider Changing Your Special Needs Plan’s Key Players?
Posted On: October 30th 2023
You have completed and executed your plan for your special needs child. Everyone you’ve selected to serve—your guardian, your trustee, your health care proxy, your executor, and possibly a trust protector as well—has signed the paperwork. All set? For now, yes. But it’s a good idea to review these selections on a regular basis, because…
Building an Estate Plan for Adult Children with Disabilities
Posted On: October 26th 2023
Parents of adult children with disabilities know that their child’s disability needs may change over the course of their lifetime. Planning for the future well-being of an adult child with disabilities is therefore, a responsive, ongoing process. The life expectancy of many adults with disabilities has increased over time. For example, according to research, life…
Three Types of Special Needs Trusts: Providing Future Support for Your Loved Ones with Special Needs
Posted On: October 25th 2023
3 SNTs Can Provide Future Support for Your Loved Ones with Special Needs The first few months (or even years) after receiving a diagnosis of a physical and/or mental disability can be overwhelming and filled with many unexpected questions and challenges. Your instincts are to provide whatever immediate needs your loved one requires at that…